I avoided the ripped boyfriend jeans like the plague (I'm too old) and tried on a jegging in one size up as they didn't have my size, so comfortable and the really dark indigo colour I like as they work so well for evenings, but sadly they fitted fine in the body but were too big on the legs.
Next I tried a 32 waist (my usual size) 1969 cuffed always skinny jean and hey presto we have lift off! A little bit tight on the waist meaning my muffin top is more of a full blown victoria sponge (with lots of jam and cream filling - tunic tops only need apply) but for less than £15 I left the shop a happy bunny as lots of my jeans are getting a bit worse for wear and desperately need to be replaced if I'm honest. So the deep cuff lives on my friends, but sadly these jeans are more expensive online (£22.99 - although that is still a bargain) why oh why do Gap do this? Suggest you pop into your local branch to see what they have left, it's worth stocking up on a few different styles at these prices!
Have you grabbed in any bargain pieces in Gap lately?