There were times during the summer holidays that I felt as though my vacation would never actually arrive. But arrive it did and as usual, Marbella didn't dissapoint with ten days of blue skies and sunshine to refresh and revive a particularly busy 2014 thus far.
Work, writing deadlines and blogging keep me busy enough without the everyday stresses and strains of being mum and housekeeper, so any time out to relax is always a massive bonus greatly appreciated.
You can never have too many shoes and a holiday in Marbella always calls for Choo's and the coolest accessories from sunglasses to flip flops and my beloved Stella McCartney sarong which had a few outings over the last ten days.
I am always mindful of how quickly the girls grew up and as much as they love family holidays when finances allow them to join us, I like to make the most of fun times with Teen Boy before it becomes uncool for him to have "selfies" taken with his old mum.
The flower obsession continues no matter where I may be.
Traditional Paella's feature heavily in any Spanish holiday and of the two I tasted this time round, the Trocodera Playa's version beat Restaurant Carmen's hands down.
The first of two books I read this holiday. A great read with a disappointing ending but looking forward to the film regardless.
Never a holiday day out or an evening meal would be complete for me without a cocktail and this Mango Colada was a particularly scrummy tropical afternoon treat in the heat.
Although Teen Boy isn't back to school until the 8th, I think, according to my Facebook and Instagram feed, this is the exception to the rule, but it was obvious, come last weekend, that there was a mass exodus of families from our complex leaving an empty kids pool for TB to float around in at his leisure and nobody to get in the way of his diving practice.
I often wonder about going somewhere else and am always open to recommendations although after visiting for the last ten years, something tells me this won't be the last time I see Marbella.
Until the next time.