No holiday would ever be complete without my Boden Beach Throw On's. I particularly like the blue one.
The Indigo Blue of my Marks and Spencer Boyfriend Shorts go with everything and were a holiday wardrobe staple.
Blue skies and blue Seas always make me smile and raise the happiness factor no end.
Dressing down the cobalt blue of my Maison Martin Marguila MOTB bride dress for a special night out at Villa Tiberio.
Tommy Hilfiger blues for Teen Boys.
The navy blue of my heart print sarong.
Blue tiled backdrops for instagram #ootd photographs.
Spending hours staring at blue skies between the palm tree's and shady umbrella's.
The turquoise blue of a swimming pool makes it an enticing cooling retreat from the heat.
I can't believe I have been back from holiday for ten days now and boy what a hectic ten days it has been! With my husband spending Saturday night at the A&E department followed my an admission on Monday and not released until Thursday evening. Lots of work for me catching up from being away. A whole twenty four hours without internet which doesn't help my stress levels at all and Teen Boy started back as a Year 9 student! I think it's fair to say that as much as I have loved our recent sunshine, I really do have the holiday blues and could do with a week away just to get over the post holiday madness!
Now that the new school term has started, have you got the holiday blues?