Normal Mascara to the left, Younique 3d Fibre Lash Mascara to the right.
If you have been anywhere near my social media feeds recently (or in fact anywhere near social media at all) you have probably noticed that Younique Cosmetics has launched it's direct sales business in the UK and everywhere you look there are people taking selfies of their eyelashes or Younique presenters adding pictures of clients wearing the amazing 3D Fibre Lash Mascara, the brands biggest selling product. Is this mascara the best thing ever or is it just a load of hype?
I first became aware of Younique at the beginning of October, a month before the 1st November UK product launch. An old friend who I worked with back in 2008 at a local salon contacted me telling me about the brand, the mascara and how selling it would sit well alongside my existing business. Having extremely short and sparse lashes, I asked if she had one I could try and once I tried it out for myself I was chomping at the bit to sign up and start selling this amazing 100% natural fibre lash mascara to anyone who would listen!
I had never worked in Direct Sales before but it didn't take long for me to see that getting in at the beginning of something and working your butt off means it is possible to make a decent amount of money. If you pick your Direct Sales company right and love the products you are promoting then you are half way there. The first few months can be hard and some may use that as an excuse to quit - others work harder and push themselves from a few hours a day into part time or full time work and income. For some lucky or very hard working presenters, direct sales can be the ticket to an amazing dream life. The highest UK presenter earn't £10,000 on the day we launched in the UK which kind of made me wish I had heard about the opportunity earlier and spent months before launch as she did, building a team of presenters who then went on to recruit their own team and so on and so forth.
The trust that everybody had in her and the product is pretty amazing when you think about it, but not everybody wants to take it that far. Some sign up with a view to trying to get rich, some just want to sell mascara and other beauty products and some just want the kit. £69 to sign up for a kit containing £150 worth of products has been a pull for some. However people want to do it, it is totally up to them.
I like the fact the products will bring in repeat sales, are as easy to promote at the school gate (if you still do a school run) as they are in a beauty salon and with 5 million pounds worth of sales in the first month, all those women can't be wrong and with Younique now the biggest direct sales company in the UK - the new year looks very exciting. I now have a small team, have taken orders from places I least expected them, been supported by bloggers and had numerous trips to the Post Office sending on orders to those of you who live all over the country. Thank you.
Is it worth it?
If you are thinking of joining yourself I would most definitely say yes. Whether you need the money to enable you to have a holiday this year, a stay at home mum who needs some extra income without spending time away from the kids (Younique is mostly social media based) work in the beauty industry and looking for additional income, whatever your reasons the 3D Fibre Lash mascara is amazing and can be worn quite natural or as big and voluminous as you like! The fibres are made from green tea leaves so are 100% natural, the mascara is water resistant but removes just like your normal mascara and demand has been phenomenal. The other products are amazing too, 100% mineral make-up without the parabens, fillers and chemicals found in Mac and Bare Minerals so it appeals to those living and eating a healthy lifestyle who don't want to apply nasties to the outside of their bodies when they nourish the inside.
Everything can be run through your facebook and phone. Take orders from people you see or get a client to host a virtual facebook make-up party for you where she will earn hostess rewards, free stuff and half price items. If you have a background in home parties there is no reason why you can't do them with Younique - it is totally up to you.
You can do this part time, full time, run it alongside your full time job, family or existing direct sales business and along with your kit you also get your own personal Younique website on sign up, so you can place orders straightaway and get paid your commission three hours later!
The last couple of months have been amazing and I look forward to going forward into 2015 being the best team leader possible and offering as much help and support to my team and anyone who may be interested in this amazing opportunity.
If you love make-up or are looking at getting into direct sales please feel free to email me or take a look around my website and JOIN MY TEAM HERE.
Remember no matter what their age, every woman wants great lashes!