I was convinced I didn't need any new clothes for my holiday, until I got all of last summers clothes out, that is. I don't know what I wore last year but I don't seem to have anywhere near as much as I thought I did. I think Moths might have eaten some whole garments, after all it was an extra long winter and they were probably really hungry.
I was however, in need of a new hat. The Panama I bought a few years back has now lost it's shape which is a shame as it was great quality and I have always taken great care to fill it with my smalls (if you can call them that) when packing, and I had tried on an M&S one a few weeks back in Canterbury which fitted my rather large head so knew that was the one I would get.
I had also become a tad enamoured with their harem trousers having previously used them in a styling post for a reader heading off to Benidorm for a hen weekend, so when I ordered the hat, having previously resisted the printed/floral trouser trend, I opted for the patterned pair.
The t-shirts should have been in a basics and replacements post really as they are exactly that and were only a fiver each in the sale and are from the Limited Collection range.
Let's face it, it's hard to go on vacation without having anything new isn't it?
Oh and just my luck, as it all arrived earlier today, I then noticed that M&S had 20% off full priced items for today only, oh and free delivery, so I am toying with the idea of re-ordering the whole lot tonight and returning this little lot tomorrow. The 20% off now makes the snakeprint sandals I blogged about last week £44 instead of £55 - tempted much?