Its official the nail polish geek in me who normally insists on short square vampy coloured nails until summer arrives, has suddenly taken a shine to a Shellac French Manicure. I've even grown my nails to take full advantage of this and what I once considered to be an outdated nail trend has new found affection which I lay solely at the feet of Chanel, who bought this style back to life on the Catwalk last autumn. With no sign of Spring on the horizon, Daffodils have fast become my March essential along with layering and it wouldn't be Easter if you didn't enjoy the odd Hot Cross Bun in the run up to the bank holiday. Wedding fever is fast approaching with the first invitation of the year for some late August nuptials arriving on the doormat and with my youngest girl currently interning at Stylist magazine, I enjoyed this weeks issue with an afternoon cuppa whilst on a well deserved tea break. I have also been practising the different things you can do with Shellac and experimented on my middle daughter with a red glitter finish on her toes.

Tuesday saw a welcome day off from work and some time out with my eldest daughter along with a quick trip to Topshop/Bluewater for her to pick up a dress she had her eye on. Whilst she was at the checkout, I couldn't resist eyeing up the lovely print blouse and upon spotting the heels, saying out loud "My name may be Sharron but I will not be wearing white stilletto's and dancing around my handbag" - been there done that, although I do quite fancy a pair! I fell in love with a silver chest in House of Fraser which would be perfect for my beauty room but with a price tag of over a thousand pounds I think I shall look out for an antique piece of similar style and buy a few tins of spray paint. Drawn in by the white shirt/trench coat combo in the doorway of Gap, I had a little try on and as both pieces were such a bargain, it would have been rude not to purchase! A Wednesday night G&T for someone who rarely drinks indoors was a delicious treat and recent sleepless nights have been remedied by Boots pillow spray and Lavender infused dreams.

A manic mornings shopping was swiftly followed by a belated Mothers Day Lunch as my daughter had been working on Mothering Sunday. She booked a table for the two of us at the Black Horse in Thurnham (somewhere near Maidstone) a very picturesque village famed for it's walking paths and I chose the Lambs Liver for main course followed by sticky toffee pudding for dessert. I love oldy worldy surroundings and really soaked up the atmosphere in this beautiful building on the Pilgrims Way with it's Chaucerian connections. I also can't resist the odd ancient church and this one stood tall and proud as me and my iphone drove past and I managed to get a snapshot that wasn't blurred, amazingly! The only thing I regretted about our lunch date was not buying the pork scratchings, they would have gone down a treat with the Gin!
Happy Easter and a big thanks to Avril for the heads up on picmonkey for the collages x