Pimms No1 - a summer essential even when you don't have any strawberries! Chicken Liver Salad with Jersey Royals - who needs to slave over a hot stove in this heat? A village wedding - my eldest daughters school friend ties the knot. Flip Flop love - adore the new Haviana range. White Roses I stumbled across as I was on my way to the Village and my neighbour was cutting back his Rose Bush - there was no way I was allowing him to throw these away, free flowers anyone? Some carrier bags really make me smile and the contents even more so!
Blush coloured handbags - perfect for summer. My eldest daughters engagement picture at Sandals in St.Lucia. With no Starbucks in sight sometimes one just has to grab an iced caramel frappe from McDonalds before attempting Tesco on a Friday - a serious case of brain freeze! So happy to be wearing sandals and white dresses - I'm nowhere near the Pugs obviously! Pretty Pink Peonies remind me of my Nan's garden when I was a little girl - she had dark fuchsia and pale pink and these gorgeous blooms replace my springtime favourite tulips when the sun shines. Show us your blooms every Friday on instagram or twitter using hashtag #fridayflowergram. More summer attire as the temperature rises and I need to go out - an old pair of faithful chino style shorts and my favourite bejewelled Carvela sandals, bling bling.
What's on your iphone this week?